Big Brands – Do This Right & Win.
The New Rules & Breakthroughs That Change The Way Brands Market In Today’s World
UNTIL NOW product companies and Brands had barriers between them and their customers in the form of retail giants, TV and print ads. In recent years the problem has only slightly been improved by etailers like Amazon and advertising opportunities on Google and FaceBook but still leaves Brands with limited data on their customers and the trends in the market. Today that world is improving FAST and opportunities are opening up which are changing the game!
What we can help you achieve
A Direct-To-Consumer Business Model With Customized Actions To Take Daily | Includes Actions for Social Media | Corporate branding | SEO optimization | Web & UI Design | PPC & Campaign Promotion | Competitive Analytics So You Stand out in the crowd
- Spray & Pray Advertising
- Limited Customer Data
- Brands at Mercy of Retailer
- Brands at Mercy of Big Media
- Ad Spend determines Leader
- Targeted | Precision Advertising
- Performance-Based Marketing
- Efforts Trackable Over Time
- Brands Directly Influence Customer
- Reach Younger Target Audience
- Pull Forward Demand
- Predict Demand, Inform Production
- Organic & Free Social Community creation/mobilization

Step No. 1
Get Your FULL Competitive Analysis Report From REVIATE
We call it COMPARATIVE ANALYTICS, you can call it YOUR SECRET SAUCE FOR TOTAL DOMINATION. This report includes a close look at you and your competitors in your market and reveals the secrets that your competitors are doing to be best in class and sell a ton of product. Each report is customized for your business so you can start doing the very things that will increase your revenue and help you sell your product like the best.
Step No. 2
Quit Playing Around and Bring On The Best
Of course, Reviate is proud of the reports and actionable insights we provide businesses like yours BUT, our true super-power is our TEAM and our partnerships that you can hire to take your business to the top. With a team of successful CEO’s and partners who are experts in the Direct To Consumer world, we take the comparative analytics and turn it up 10X to fuel growth and sales for your business.

”Tesla was able to raise demand for 14 billion worth of orders for their Model 3 in one week. They didn’t spend 1 dollar in advertising, and they ended up with the credit card and information of every single one of those pre-order changer."

Tesla used the power of their direct to consumer marketing, community users and social media. Once their customers started sharing order news online, news outlets picked up the story and pushed it further in a viral fashion.
Think about the fact that among the top media advertisers in the US are Ford, GM, and Fiat/Chrysler. Tesla didn’t spend a penny. Using the power of direct-to-consumer marketing, pre-order campaigns like this can be done once you have built up a powerful audience and following.
Get a FREE customized Direct-To-Consumer Playbook for your product.
This playbook is custom built for your brand, in your niche and with your competition in mind. The FULL playbook includes actions your company can take immediately to increase your sales and revenue growth.